
At Stephen Freeman, writing is taught on a daily basis from Nursery through to Year 6. All of our planning is supported by the National Curriculum and based on a central high-quality text as seen in our:

In Early Years, writing is taught through Read Write Inc (RWI). Alongside this, children are immersed in high quality text and sharing stories and have access to a range of mark making and early writing opportunities within a continuous provision. Fine motor skills are developed through fun activities to build hand strength for writing.

In KS1 and KS2, teachers use core texts to support writing outcomes and fully immerse them into the topic. Each term, a leaning journey is created with two main outcomes, often a narrative and non-fiction. These learning journeys create small steps of success, giving children the opportunity to become confident and independent writers.

In Years 2 – 6, we follow ‘The Spelling Book:  Transforming the Teaching of Spelling, Jane Considine’ to teach children the necessary skills needed to remember and recall spellings and patterns in the National Curriculum.  Further information can be found by clicking the following link: Spelling Statement.

Our curriculum:

  • Provides children with an environment that is rich with language, through the use of high quality texts.
  • Creates a culture of communication and inquiry around diverse texts, allowing children to comprehend and discuss current and past events in depth.
  • Encourages pupils to develop an intrinsic motivation and a love of reading that will not only support their learning across the curriculum but also enrich their lives.
  • Teaches children to value books as a foundation for learning, pleasure, talk and play.
  • Supports children in the skills of writing, including handwriting, spelling and composition.
  • Intends that all children will be able to express themselves effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences.
  • Fosters all pupils’ confidence, desire and ability to express their views and opinions both orally and in writing.
  • Sets high expectations of communication, reading and writing so that every child makes best progress.
  • Values and celebrates diversity in culture and language.