Welcome to Reception
In Reception we have an enthusiastic team who are dedicated to making each child’s first year of school a positive and successful start to their school life.
Poland Class Teachers: Mrs Jenny Alleway
Teaching Assistants: Miss Hayward and Mrs Ross
United Kingdom Class Teacher: Mrs Kerry Warren
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Howes and Miss Hudson
After ensuring a smooth transition, which includes home visits, visits to previous settings, drop in and taster sessions, our popular Ready Steady Go picnic and a staggered start, children begin their exciting Reception Year in school.
We provide a stimulating environment where the children can play and engage in their learning and they are supported by the staff as they explore the indoor and outdoor spaces.
Our Storytelling approach enables children to learn and retell key stories through story-mapping, story-stepping and lots of role-play and creative activities. This approach sets children on their way to becoming fabulous storytellers and writers! Helicopter stories are used to encourage children to tell us their own stories which are then acted out by the class.
Many of the wonderful learning moments and next steps are captured using photographs, films and written observations. These are uploaded onto Class Dojo which parents can access at home. We encourage comments and observations from home and understand that parental engagement is key to a child’s learning and development.
Please click the link below to find out about Read Write Inc. Phonics