Welcome to Year 4

Year 4 Teachers

China Class – Miss Tierney
Japan Class – Miss Lydon

Teaching Assistants

Miss Howard and Mrs James

In Year 4, we concentrate on developing independent thinking and we support the children’s learning to embody our eight learning skills: purposefulness, responsibility, resilience, reflectiveness, effective communication, self-motivation, risk and creativity. This academic year we will be exploring a range of exciting and interesting topics including, Road Trip to Asia, Potions and Magic, The Anglo-Saxons, Traders and Raiders (1066), Gods and Mortals, Blue Abyss. We have a range of exciting events planned for our Year 4 children including a trip to Oxford Castle, an Anglo-Saxon/Viking experience day and a food tasting of Asian cuisine.

During their time in Year 4, we want the children to continue to develop their love of learning as well as recapping skills that they have learnt previously. Each term the children will receive a new home learning grid that provides a range of exciting learning opportunities to complete at home. Dojos awarded for home learning and general positive behaviour will be added to each classes’ Dojo Debit Card. As a class, the children will have the opportunity to save or spend their Dojos each term at their Dojo shop, they may choose to spend their Dojos on an extra playtime or an extra art lesson.

We would like to encourage the children to practice their times tables at home on TTRockstar, as we have our Multiplication Check test during the first two weeks of June. We will also spend time each week focussing on our times tables in school.


Curriculum Overview Term 2

Home Learning Term 2