Welcome to Year 6

 Year 6 Teachers

Kenya Class – Miss Rowntree

Madagascar Class – Miss Bennett

Teaching Assistants

Mr Edwards, Mrs Lyford and Mrs Rachid

Year 6 marks the end of the children’s primary school experience and as a staff we focus on preparing the children both academically and socially for the new challenges ahead. We concentrate on developing independent thinking and we support the children’s learning to embody our eight learning skills: purposefulness, responsibility, resilience, reflectiveness, effective communication, self-motivation, risk and creativity. This academic year we will be exploring a range of exciting and interesting topics including Mexico, War, The Rainforest and the Circulatory System. We have a range of exciting events planned such as our residential visit in November, a Mexican food tasting afternoon and an Evacuee day and in January we will prepare for SATs. We encourage the children in Year 6 to focus on developing their understanding of key concepts by reading daily, practicing TTRockstarts/Prodigy and completing their home learning.

Curriculum Overview Term 3

Home Learning Term 3