Welcome to Year 2
In Year 2 Argentina class is being taught by Mrs Janes and Miss Fenner and Peru class by Mrs Seabridge. The teachers are supported in the classroom by Mrs Waqqas, Mrs Blowfield, Mrs Ramaj and Miss Pierce.
This year we will be covering a range of exciting topics.
Term 1: Land Ahoy!
Term 2: Muck, Mess and Mixtures
Term 3: Amazing Africa
Term 4: Fire Fire!
Term 5: Our Planet
Term 6: Castles
These topics will be the focus for the children’s literacy and wider curriculum work. Each topic includes a range of engaging and exciting lessons to bring them to life! Throughout the year the children will experience immersive hands on work shop, take part in fun themed days and visit exciting places such as Warwick Castle. Each term ‘home learning’ will be set for the children, this gives you an opportunity to further your child’s learning experiences and builds the link between home and school. Children are encouraged to bring in their home learning to share with their peers and teachers. Home Learning Menus are available on the school website and will also be posted on your child’s Class Dojo page.
We are a Read Write Inc school and children will be participating in daily phonics sessions. Children are encouraged to read a minimum of three times a week to build fluency. They will bring home a reading book but Oxford Owl Logins are also sent home so that children can access Read Write Inc books electronically. To promote a love of reading children will also visit the school library weekly and choose a book to bring home and share. We will also visit Didcot Library each term, giving children the opportunity to explore their local area and spend time in a real library.
During the year both classes will spend one term in Forest School, one morning or afternoon every week for a term. The children love having this opportunity to play, build and explore the outdoors in a safe environment. These sessions take place even in the rain so children must bring appropriate clothing. It is lovely to hear the children sharing their experiences of Forest School at the end of each session over a hot chocolate and a biscuit.
We are excited about the wonderful year ahead.
The Year Two Team
Curriculum Overview Term 3
Home Learning Term 3
Useful Websites
Below are some useful websites that the children can use at home.