Welcome to Year 5
Welcome to the Southern Hemisphere! Alongside our phase group partners in Year 6, we are traversing the plains of Africa. The teachers in Year 5 are Mr Leader (Egypt) and Mrs Angel-Murray (South Africa). The classes are supported by our Teaching Assistants, Mrs Crook, Mrs Emsden, Mrs Da Silva and Mrs Guo.
The Year 5 teaching team are passionate about helping children to be responsible, resilient learners who are kind and respectful to others. By the end of Year 5 we hope the children are confident in their own abilities and proud of their achievements. We want every child to feel successful and empowered to conquer the challenges of Year 6 and to be a shining example of the creative learning and engagement which makes Stephen Freeman so special.
This year we will be covering a range of exciting topics:
Term 1 and 2 – Ancient Egypt, Term 3 – Extreme Earth, Term 4 – Road Trip USA, Term 5 – Space, Term 6 – Tudors. These topics form the focus for all our learning including literacy, geography, history, art and design technology. Each term the children will be given a home learning grid to support their learning in school as well as spellings to enable them to gain a rich vocabulary.
The teachers understand the importance of the shared responsibility between the school and Parents with regards to learning. We use Class Dojo to support this relationship and to celebrate our succesess throughout the year.
Curriculum Overview Term 3
Home Learning Term 3
Useful Websites
Below are some useful websites that the children can use at home.
- Cool Math – free online math lessons
- Mathzone
- Crickweb – KS2 Numeracy
- BBC Bitsize Maths
- Education Quizzes – Fun learning and revision
- Maths 4 Mums and Dads
- Nrich
- ICT Games
- Maths Games
- Math is Fun
- Multiplication
- Primary Games
- Topmarks
Other Resources