
At Stephen Freeman School, our Music curriculum is supported by the Oxfordshire County Council ‘Charanga Music School’ online programme.  Children have the opportunity to:


  • listen and appraise different genres of music and types of instruments
  • play rhythm games and explore voice patterns
  • explore and create music through playing musical instruments
  • create their own musical compositions
  • sing confidently and tunefully
  • learn about different composers
  • participate in productions and shows; perform to an audience


In our EYFS, music is experienced in both structured activities as well as through self-exploration. Music is used to support other areas of the Early Years Curriculum, for example, singing rhymes to develop Literacy skills, number songs and clapping rhythms to help counting.

All children at Stephen Freeman have the opportunity to learn an instrument.  We have invited Peripatetic Music Teachers to teach the violin, recorders or ukulele with all our Year 3 children.  The children are loaned an instrument so that they are able to practice at home.

As well as children learning Music through the curriculum, there are plenty of other opportunities for children to enjoy and engage in music making activities.  This includes:  participating in the Didcot Music Festival, School Choir (after-school club), singing in assembly, school productions, for example the annual nativity plays, carol concerts and end of Year 6 Leavers’ Production.

Our children have an enriching musical experience throughout their time at Stephen Freeman School, building their confidence and skills in every Year group.  One element of this is the mixed year group music appreciation and singing based music session run by our Music leaders.

Click here to find out more about the Music knowledge and skills progression throughout the school.