All admissions to school are made through the local authority admissions service. You should be able to find all the information you need here. If you need any help completing an application, please contact the school office on 01235 814718 between 8.30 am and 3.30 pm Monday – Friday and speak to Mrs Blake.
We are fortunate in Didcot to have many good primary schools from which you can choose. It is worth visiting a few to see which one you feel will be the best fit for your child. We would be happy to show you around Stephen Freeman, please ring the school office to arrange an appointment.
A school tour for Reception 2025 admissions will be running on Tuesday 3rd December at 9:15 am. Please call the school office to book a space.
School Admission Statements
Stephen Freeman Admission Arrangements 2025-26
Stephen Freeman Primary School Admission Statement 2026-27
Nursery Places
We have a school led nursery and we can take children from the term after their third birthday. We can offer 30 hours per week if entitled and also 15 hours per week (morning or afternoons). Spaces are currently available. Please email Vanessa Blake to request on application form at reception.2594@stephen-freeman.oxon.sch.uk. The admission to the nursery are currently handled by the school and follow the admissions criteria can be found in our Nursery Admission Policy.