Welcome to Year 1
The Year One classes in Key Stage One are called Brazil and Chile. Brazil class is taught by Mrs Montanheiro and Chile class is taught by Mrs Marriott and Mrs Lewis. The teachers are supported both inside and outside the classroom by Mrs Emsden-Gurdev, Miss Clements, Mrs Preston and Mrs Macdonald. Our teaching revolves around planning engaging activities to engross the children in the topic whilst ensuring that key learning takes place. The topics this year are
Term 1 – Me and My World leading into Dinosaurs, Term 2 – Once upon a time, Term 3 – Superheroes, Term 4 – Moon Zoom, Term 5 – Enchanted Woodland, Term 6 – Paws, Claws and Whiskers.
A Stephen Freeman School we believe that children learn a great deal through play, therefore Year One is a mixture of formal lesssons and a play-based approach. Both Year One classses have a role play area, a construction zone, a cosy reading corner, a messy play space as well as opportunities for children to independently develop their reading, writing and maths skills. We feel that this gives our children ownership over their learning and supports them in developing a range of social, emotional, behavioural and academic skills.
At the end of Year One all the children complete the Government Phonics Screening Test. We teach phonics in a fun and engaging way and we aim for every child to leave KS1 with a solid phonic knowledge. We pride ourselves on our positive relationships with parents and we are happy to support and encourage parents to be involved in their child’s learning.