Design Technology

At Stephen Freeman Primary School, we believe that DT is about designing a product to suit a purpose, often combing mathematics, science and art to form a subject of its own, where problem solving is at its heart. Pupils are encouraged to experiment and investigate techniques before designing their final plans. During the making process they develop skills such as measuring, cutting, shaping, joining and combining. After testing their mechanisms, pupils evaluate their work. In cooking experiences, children take part in nutritional discussions and also learn about the importance of a healthy diet.

In EYFS, children explore their own ideas and experiment with ways to join materials. Cooking experiences are adult led and children take part in the measuring, cutting and mixing of ingredients as well as decorating the finished product where appropriate.

In KS1, pupils start more of planning process as they follow the guidance of their teachers to learn new mechanisms and methods of making / joining materials, including textiles. Food technology includes making recipes to do with seasonal celebrations and topic links.

In KS2, pupils continue to develop their skills in planning, making and testing, involving moving parts and circuits with projects links from local secondary schools. Food technology includes making and tasting recipes from both the UK and other cultures and continues to rotate around a healthy diet and food safety.

Click here for our DT Long Term Skills Progression overview.

Ideas for supporting art and design at home:

The School Run website has some lovely ideas for DT projects that can be done at home, suitable for EYFS to KS2.

These Lego building projects look fun, some involving moving parts and interesting shapes that need careful measuring.

Some lovely meal ideas for children to join in with making a family dinner can be found on the BBC Good Food website. Below is their special collection for children.