At Stephen Freeman Primary School, we believe that children are all individuals and therefore, we aim to encourage mutual respect, responsibility and foster self-esteem in a happy and caring atmosphere. The teaching and learning of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) using the Jigsaw programme supports this.

Through using Jigsaw our children acquire knowledge, understanding and the skills they need to manage their lives now and in their futures. It develops the qualities and attributes children need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society and the global community.

The aims of PSHE and Jigsaw within Stephen Freeman are to provide children with:

– Accurate and relevant knowledge

– Opportunities to create personal understanding

– Opportunities to explore and challenge a range of values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities

– A range of skills and strategies to live a healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced life

Background information

British Values

Jigsaw PSHE helps promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural

Jigsaw PSHE actively promotes children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development.  Click here for a visual and summary of where SMSC and Emotional Literacy development opportunities which exist with Jigsaw.

Statutory Relationships and Health Educations
Jigsaw PSHE is fully compliant with the DfE Statutory Relationships and Health Education Guidance for 2020.  Click here for a document mapping the guidance to Jigsaw by Year Group and Puzzle (unit of work) showing the depth and breadth of the curriculum coverage.


Jigsaw is implemented throughout the whole school during weekly whole class Jigsaw lessons focusing on different topics each term and is embedded through all lessons and the whole school day with everyone supporting and encouraging the children they interact with to use the skills they are developing and to make links to other areas of learning.