
Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children attend school regularly and on time. This is a legal requirement.

Good attendance enables pupils to make good, consistent progress in their schoolwork.

Days off school add up to lost learning

Click here to view the attendance newsletter – Term 2, Week 1 2024

1. Absence from school

Children must attend school unless it is absolutely unavoidable. If your child will be absent from school, please contact the school office on 01235814718 option 1 before the start of the school day .

If we do not receive notification we will contact you to confirm the absence. A written letter must be sent to school on the child’s return. Parents should be aware that absence is authorised at the discretion of the Headteacher and that an absence note, in itself, does not authorise an absence.

Absence may be authorised for the following reasons:

  • Medical, either through illness, dental or hospital appointments etc.
  • Religious observance by a religious body to which the child’s parents belong.
  • Exclusion by the school.

If an absence does not fit into any of the above categories it will be registered as unauthorised. The school does not support holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances e.g. religious reasons. All parents requesting a holiday form must make an appointment to see the Headteacher first.

2. Lateness

We expect children to arrive at school between 8:40 and 8:50 with children settled and ready to learn by 8:50. It is very important that the children arrive to school on time so that:

  • They take part in all of the learning opportunities for the day with complete focus and without interruption from late arrivals.
  • Teachers can teach the best possible lessons without complete focus and without interruption from late arrivals.
  • Should your child be late, they should go to the school office in order to be registered.

3. Family holidays

Family holidays are not permitted during term time unless in exceptional circumstances. As a school we follow the government’s guidance on family holidays, a copy of which can be obtained from the school office. If you have any queries about the exceptional circumstances please make an appointment to see the Headteacher.