Welcome to Year 3
India Class Teacher: Miss Woodcock
Nepal Class Teacher: Mrs Johnson
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Bowker, Mrs James and Mrs Waqqas
It is an exciting time for the children who have moved from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2. Year 3 is made up of 2 classes, India and Nepal. India class is taught by Miss Woodcock with support from Mrs James and Mrs Bowker. Nepal class is taught by Mrs Johnson supported by Mrs Waqqas. During this year the children will develop their independance and resilience. In Year 3 our topics will include, Tribal Tails, Heroes and Villains, The Golden Ticket, Flow, Misty Mountains and the Romans. To support our topics we will be visiting the River and Rowing Museum in Henley on Thames and taking part in a chocolate experience day. Each term, the children will receive a new home learning menu which will present extra activities for the children to complete at home, as we are now in Year 3 the expectation is that homework is completed to a high standard. The children will have two PE lessons each week where they will have the opportunity to develop their physical and team building skills. They will learn through dance, tennis, gymnastics and other competitive sports.
We are lucky in Year 3 as each child learns how to play a musical instrument and this year the music teacher will focus on the recorder. As in previous years, we will continue to communicate via Class Dojo and Parent Mail.