
At Stephen Freeman School we believe in a creative curriculum which offers children the opportunity to study their topics through cross curricular planning and activities. From EYFS to Year 6 the children progress through the curriculum, deepening their understanding of the world around them and the people that live in it as shown in the Whole School Geography Skills and Progression document. Locational knowledge is built upon from the EYFS, where children learn that there are different countries in our world and talk about the differences they have experienced or seen in photos. Children will begin using positional language and use their senses to explore our natural world.
In Key Stage 1 children build upon their prior learning and begin to look closely at their local area using simple fieldwork and observational skills. Progressing their learning children are taught to use maps, atlases, and Google Earth to locate the United Kingdom and its countries. Children are guided to name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans. In Year 1 and Year 2 children will compare chosen areas of the United Kingdom to contrasting non-European countries. Throughout their time in Key Stage 1 our pupils learn about weather patterns in the UK and hot and cold areas in the world. Click here for our Key Stage 1 overview.
In Key Stage 2 pupils build on and expand on their previous knowledge. The geography curriculum has four focus areas:
- Locational knowledge
- Place knowledge
- Human and physical geography
- Geographical skills and fieldwork
Throughout their journey through Key Stage 2 the children will develop their geographical skills by using maps and compasses. They will explore the human and physical characteristics of different countries and continents, stimulating pupils’ interest and curiosity about their surroundings. Through cross-curricular teaching children begin to gain a sense of responsibility for the world we live in. Click here for our Key Stage 2 overview.
Geography involves many transferable skills including the use of ICT, presentation skills, recording and observational skills. Through the teaching of geography pupils will develop their problem solving, reasoning, and thinking skills.
Supporting your child with Geography
- Take walks in the local area and discuss the physical features you see.
- Map a route to a familiar place together, this could be the park, their school, or the shops.
- Get talking about the weather!
- Going on holiday? Discuss the similarities and differences between your holiday location and home. You may also be able to find some local attractions and tourist sites.
- Share books and magazines about different continents and countries around the world. You could pop into a travel agent and choose some travel magazines to share.
- Get lost in another country from the comfort of your own home by watching documentaries and films. David Attenborough has narrated some informative and captivating documents about our planet!
Link to National Curriculum Geography Programme of Study.