Welcome to Stephen Freeman Forest School
Forest school was developed and adapted into the UK after a group of lectures and nursery nurses visited a forest school in Denmark. They were so impressed and inspired by the learning and development opportunities it gave the children they decided to introduce it into the UK.
Starting in wales and then into England and Scotland, research was put forward with very interesting and important findings. Children who attended forest school were found to have fewer days off school with sickness, a stronger sense of Emotional, social development which in turn leads to a development in learning through the key stages.
Here at Stephen Freeman School are very lucky to have a lovely area within school grounds that we have decided to dedicate to forest school. As a school we pride ourselves in providing the best learning opportunities for all our children. The children will all gain skills and knowledge to form a firm foundation to help them into the next stage of their school lives.
Benefits of Forest School
- Confidence
- Creativity
- Environmental/Risk Awareness
- Motor skills (Fine & Gross)
- Leadership
- Problem Solving
- Physical Ability- (Balance/coordination)
- Social Interaction- (Trust/ Communication)
- Being outdoors has a positive impact on children’s sense of well-being and helps all aspects of children’s development.
- Being outdoors offers opportunities for doing things in different ways and on different scales than when indoors.
- It gives children first-hand contact with weather, seasons and the natural world.
- Outdoor environments offer children freedom to explore, use their senses, and be physically active and exuberant.’
Forest School helps to improve Emotional intelligence and self-esteem by:
- Builds confidence
- Freedom of expression
- Problem solving
- Opportunities to listen and work as a team
- Allows children to develop different roles, strengths and dynamics, as a group and individuals
- Looking after each other
- Curiosity
- Security, knowing boundaries and assessing own risks and self-control
- Creative thinking