We ask parents to encourage their child to participate in having a school meal, providing them with a healthy, appetising, and nutritious lunch. This could benefit your child by:
- Providing a balanced meal which will help improve concentration and learning in the afternoons
- Introduce your child to a wide range of food
- Develop social skills in sitting down at a table together with their peers and enjoy a meal
- Click here to view the school dinner menu
For children in Key Stage 2 the cost of a school lunch is £2.55 per day.
We run a very strict NO DEBT policy and work very hard with our families to achieve this. Payment for school meals should be paid for in advance. Payment for school meals is made via an online payment service called ParentPay. We operate a cashless system at Stephen Freeman and encourage all our families to pay online as this is the simplest method. You will need to register with the school office to use this facility if you have not used this facility before.
Reception Class and Key Stage 1 – Universal Free School Meal (UFSM)
All children in Reception Class and Years 1 & 2 are entitled to receive a free school meal, regardless of a parent’s financial status through the Government Universal Free School meal funding scheme.
Key Stage 2
There is a statutory right to the Free School Meals system for families who meet certain criteria. It is important that all parents/carers who qualify take up their entitlement so that their child can receive a school meal each day.
Click here to download and complete your registration form.
To find out if your child is eligible to free school meals contact the school office for an application form.